
7 out of 10 Americans oppose overturning Roe v Wade

The number of Americans supporting Roe v Wade, the legal right to abortion, is the highest it’s been in two decades. 7 out of 10 Americans oppose overturning Roe v Wade. Yet, the Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court could put the legal right to abortion in jeopardy.

Kavanaugh has already displayed a striking willingness to deny abortion care to one person. There’s no reason to think he wouldn’t do the same to millions of patients seeking abortion care. Just months ago, Kavanaugh  issued a decision that would’ve effectively denied a young immigrant woman the ability to have an abortion. In his opinion, Judge Kavanaugh used the not-so-coded language of the anti-abortion movement, criticizing “abortion on demand.”

Women’s rights to control their own bodies, workers’ rights, consumers’ rights – you name it. It could all get squeezed to the breaking point if Kavanaugh is confirmed.

Every single person who cares about the freedom to decide when, whether, and how to create a family to take action today.
Contact your senators and tell them to oppose Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme court.
Learn about FAKE clinics. How to detect them? What to do about them?

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