

Help Abortion Access: Things You Can Do

Help Abortion Access.

Access to safe and legal abortion care is a cornerstone of reproductive healthcare, but barriers such as misinformation, stigma, and financial constraints continue to limit access for many individuals. If you’re in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia (DMV) area and want to support abortion access, there are tangible steps you can take to make a difference.

At Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic (MFPC), we see community support’s impact on improving access to reproductive healthcare. Here’s how you can help.

Help Abortion Access: Support Local Abortion Funds

Abortion funds provide financial assistance to individuals who cannot afford the cost of an abortion. In the DMV area, organizations such as the Baltimore Abortion Fund and DC Abortion Fund help patients overcome financial barriers to access care.

Your donations to these funds can directly cover costs for medical or surgical abortions, transportation, and other related expenses. Every contribution makes a difference, ensuring that healthcare costs do not stand in the way.

Help Abortion Access: Advocate for Reproductive Rights

Advocacy plays a crucial role in protecting and expanding access to abortion care. You can:

  • Contact Lawmakers: Reach out to your local representatives to express support for policies that safeguard abortion rights.
  • Participate in Community Events: Attend rallies, town halls, and educational events to raise awareness about the importance of reproductive healthcare access.
  • Use Your Voice: Share accurate information about abortion care and the work being done by clinics like MFPC. Breaking down stigma starts with open, honest conversations.

Help Abortion Access: Volunteer Your Time

Local abortion funds and advocacy groups often need volunteers for tasks such as clinic escorting, hotline staffing, and fundraising. Volunteering allows you to provide direct support to patients and organizations working on the front lines of reproductive healthcare access.

If you’re unsure where to start, contact local DMV groups or MFPC for recommendations.

Educate Yourself and Others

Misinformation about abortion care is a significant barrier to access. By staying informed, you can help combat myths and provide accurate information to those around you. MFPC offers a wealth of resources about medical and surgical abortion, as well as family planning services.

Sharing resources like MFPC’s blog or linking others to trusted organizations can help create a more informed community.

Donate to MFPC

As a leading provider of reproductive healthcare in the DMV, MFPC works tirelessly to ensure patients receive the care they need. Contributions to our clinic help us maintain our services, expand outreach, and support those who face financial or logistical barriers to accessing care.

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