
I’m pregnant, now what?

“I’m pregnant, now what?” — Facing an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy can feel incredibly overwhelming. Especially, if you are unsure whether or not you want to be pregnant. Some women know immediately the answer when they see the “positive” symbol on the pregnancy test. And some women feel confused and have conflicting ideas and beliefs. Either way, it’s okay and very normal to feel this way.

If your pregnancy test result is POSITIVE, you have 3 options to base your decision on:

  1. Continue with the pregnancy
  2. Adoption
  3. Abortion

At Metropolitan Family Planning we can help you if you are feeling conflicted about your choices.

If you’re considering parenthood, some important things to consider include (but are not limited to):

  • How supportive will the biological father be (emotionally, financially, physically)?
  • Is your living situation currently appropriate to bring a child into? If not, can you make it so?
  • Will family members be available and supportive (emotionally, financially, child care, living accommodations, etc.)?
  • Will you be able to attain your long-term goals to make your life better for you and your child?
  • Do you have health insurance? Are you willing to consider Medicaid, and other assistance programs if necessary?

If you’re considering adoption, Metropolitan Family Planning provide you with adoption referrals. The “new generation” of adoption providers trust women and their choices. They truly respect a woman’s path, and if that path involves an abortion decision, they support that, too.

Finally, if you choose to have an abortion. Here at Metropolitan Family Planning, we will provide you with the best abortion care services anywhere.

We treat all of our patients with the dignity, respect, and kindness you deserve. However, we encourage you to do your homework when looking for an abortion clinic. You should make sure to ask the staff on the phone of any abortion clinic questions to help determine if that clinic is the best place for you. Make sure that any clinic you go to will take loving care of your mentally and physically.

Call us today or Request An Appointment online

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