

Non-Hormonal Birth Control: Going With What Works For You

Non-hormonal birth control.

Trying to figure out the different types of birth control can be overwhelming. Many people do not prefer hormonal methods for various reasons such as personal choice, health conditions, or simply wanting to avoid them altogether. MFPC provides a range of non-hormonal contraception options that could suit your needs best and help take charge of your reproductive health.

Non-Hormonal Birth Control: What is it?

There are many side effects associated with hormonal birth control, like mood swings, weight gain, or changes in the menstrual cycle, that some individuals might want to steer clear of, which is why non-hormonal contraceptives are great choices. They also appeal more to people who would rather use natural means for preventing pregnancy or those with medical problems, making hormone-based methods problematic.

Non-Hormonal Birth Control: Barrier Methods

These work by physically stopping sperm from reaching eggs and preventing fertilization.

Male and Female condoms– Male condoms are sheaths worn over the penis, while female condoms are inserted into the vagina before intercourse. Both prevent pregnancies effectively and protect against STIs, too.

Diaphragms & Cervical Caps- These are small rubber cups or dome-shaped caps that go inside a woman’s vagina, covering the cervix and blocking off any entry points for sperm into the uterus during sex. They should usually be used together with spermicides so they can kill sperms on contact, but they must first be fitted by health care providers correctly according to sizes needed for proper protection against unwanted pregnancies.

Non-Hormonal Birth Control: Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)

IUDs are long-acting reversible contraceptives that can either be hormonal or non-hormonal. Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic offers copper IUDs only, this being a non-hormonal option.

Copper IUD (ParaGard): A doctor or nurse inserts a small T-shaped device into the womb. The device releases copper ions that create an unfriendly environment for sperms, thus preventing fertilization. It has high rates of effectiveness and can offer protection for up to ten years, making it ideal for those seeking low-maintenance, long-term contraception without any hormones.

Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs)

These methods involve tracking one’s menstrual cycle to know when they are most likely fertile and then avoiding sexual intercourse during such times or using barrier contraceptives like condoms. This requires good knowledge about your monthly periods as weland observation over signs indicating ovulation such as basal body temperatures & cervical mucus changes among others.

Effectiveness: When used correctly, these can be very reliable, but they require strict adherence, which may not work perfectly among women with irregular menses who find it hard to keep records consistently every month.

Permanent Non-Hormonal Contraception

Tubal ligation – If you want something more permanent, tubal ligation is offered. This surgical procedure commonly known as “getting your tubes tied” involves either blocking or sealing the fallopian tubes permanently thus ensuring that no fertilization takes place ever again. It does not involve any hormonal methods considered favorably by many people who have made up their minds never to bear children in future.

Non-Hormonal Birth Control: Wrapping Up

Various non-hormonal contraceptives are available for those who wish to prevent pregnancy without using hormones. Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic provides a wide range of non-hormonal contraception services, including barrier methods, long-acting IUDs, fertility awareness, and permanent sterilization. Our experienced medical practitioners can assist you in selecting the most appropriate technique for your way of life and reproductive objectives.

To learn more about non-hormonal contraception or arrange an appointment with us, please visit our website today. We strive to offer secure, efficient, individualized attention that empowers you to manage your reproductive well-being.

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