
Preventing unintended pregnancy

The latest trend in women’s reproductive health shows more women opting for more effective and long-acting forms of birth control, like IUDs or implants in preventing unintended pregnancy.

Research published by the Guttmacher Institute found the Pill to be the most common birth control choice among women with IUDs and arm implants on the rise. Partially due to the fact IUDs have a lower failure rate and have become increasingly popular as a long-acting form of birth control.

Under the Affordable Care Act the long-acting reversible contraceptive methods, like IUDs and arm implants have become more accessible to women from an OB/GYN because they have healthcare coverage for well-woman visits where they can discuss contraception options.

Affordability can also help in other ways. Some women taking the Pill or the birth control shot in the past may not have been able to afford to use the method as consistently as is recommended, but under the Affordable Care Act they have low cost thus failure rates have declined.

Another possibility: Women may simply have become better at opting for the birth control method that makes the most sense for their lifestyles. “If you’re using a birth control Pill and you’re not very good at taking [it], maybe you recognize that, so you get an implant or IUD.”

There are a lot of SAFE, EFFECTIVE methods that women can choose from suit their lifestyle best. During your next visit to Metropolitan Family Planning discuss contraceptive choices and figure out what may be a good option for you.

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