

Private Abortion: Luxuries of Comfort and Privacy

Private abortion. Comfort and Privacy.

If you think about your personal reproductive health, one of the factors that should be given utmost importance is the options that you have and the options that are sufficient for you. The Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic (MFPC) is a place where we recognize that some patients may seek additional private and individual attention over the course of their abortion procedure. This is why we provide our VIP Private Abortion Services. They are created to achieve maximum comfort level and privacy with individual approaches to the patient.

Private Abortion: What Are VIP Private Abortion Services?

The VIP Private Abortion Services are designed for patients who want more individual attention and less contact with other patients. This service is perfect for patients who do not wish to spend time in the waiting rooms, want to have the same medical practitioners all throughout the visit, or simply wish for a softer, more intimate, and personal environment. For our VIP services, the highest quality of treatment will be given to you in the most relaxing and private setting so that you can concentrate on healing.

Private Abortion: Varied Care to the Individual in a Private Space

The importance of individualization is also one of the integral components of our VIP Private Abortion Services. You will be treated with dignity and compassion as soon as you step into the clinic. You will undergo the visit assisted by a highly competent team of healthcare professionals who will guide you.

You will not be forced to sit in a shared waiting room full of other patients. Rather, you will be escorted to a personal room designed for relaxation, pre- and post-procedure. Your care team will ensure that you have the essentials, be it cozy furniture or snacks, so all your tension is gone before the actual work.

Private Abortion: Increased Individual Choices and Comfort

One of the biggest concerns among most of the patients is privacy, and it is the reason why we offer VIP Private Abortion Services. There will be no outsiders coming in to further violate your privacy in the facility because the whole visit will be secret. All staff members at the clinic understand, respect, and act in a way that ensures the client’s privacy. If you are a well-known public figure, a civil servant who desires strict confidentiality, or simply somebody who wants to remain in the background, you can feel comforted with our VIP services.

Comfort and Privacy: Holistic Care In Our Center

Besides the physical aspects of care, we also offer emotional care in our VIP services. We know that abortion can be quite an emotional aspect, and come here for the help and counseling that you might need. You may want someone to talk to about your feelings before the procedure, or perhaps you will require someone to see how you are doing after the procedure; no matter the needs, all will be satisfied as there is a kind heart ready and available to meet them.

Comfort and Privacy: The Benefits of Choosing VIP Private Abortion Services

When choosing MFPC, patients benefit from several VIP Private Abortion Services:

Personalized Attention: Enjoy the full attention of our healthcare team in the comforts of a private room.

Comfort and Relaxation: You have your own suite where you baby will not be disturbed making the whole experience a joyful as it ought to be.

Confidentiality: Your visit is none of anyone’s business; no information will be disclosed following your visit.

Emotional Healing: You will receive emotional care support and medical attention.


At Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic, we understand the importance of providing care and support to our patients in an environment that makes them feel safe and secure. To offer the highest quality of care to our patients, we have formulated our VIP Private Abortion Services to help you maximize comfort and care so that the entire process is as positive and stress-free as possible.

Contact us concerning our VIP services or even make an appointment. We are ready to assist you in every possible way.

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