
  1. Choosing an abortion clinic

    Since many women do not talk about their abortion experiences, it’s difficult to know what to look for when choosing an abortion clinic. The quality of abortion care can vary widely among all abortion clinics. We believe that a quality abortion provider serves both your physical and emotional health. There may be a number of…

  2. Maryland State Laws Regulating Coverage of Abortion

    Maryland State Laws Regulating Coverage of Abortion Maryland is one of the few states that COVER abortion for certain women receiving Medicaid and promote women’s health and economic security by ensuring that private insurance plans provide insurance coverage that includes abortion. Covers all or most abortions in Medicaid Does not ban or require private coverage…

  3. Next big fight over abortion rights

    This month, a federal district court ruled unconstitutional a Texas provision that bans the most common form of second trimester abortions D&E. The decision was an important win in what is emerging as the next big fight over abortion rights: criminalizing abortion procedures and providers in the name of promoting “fetal life.” Anti-choice lawmakers continue to target abortion clinics for…

  4. Private Abortion Services with Enhanced Privacy

    We understand how important it is for some of our patients to receive very private abortion services with enhanced privacy — one-on-one care after regular business hours. At Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic we will cater fully to YOUR privacy needs during this time so you feel 100% at ease. Private abortion services are available for…

  5. Pro-choice Doulas offer emotional, physical, spiritual and abortion support

    “Doula” comes from a Greek term meaning “a woman who helps.” Pro-choice Doulas are trained in the medical aspects of abortion care and reproductive health along with diversity awareness, professionalism and ethics, and emotional, spiritual,and physical support techniques. They believe that all people should have access to the information, support, and resources necessary to make…

  6. I’m pregnant, now what?

    “I’m pregnant, now what?” — Facing an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy can feel incredibly overwhelming. Especially, if you are unsure whether or not you want to be pregnant. Some women know immediately the answer when they see the “positive” symbol on the pregnancy test. And some women feel confused and have conflicting ideas and beliefs….

  7. Texas Teen Abortion Rate Rises

    After seeing research results provided by Texas A&M University, economics professor Analisa Packham (now at Miami University) Republicans may want to reconsider trying to defund Planned Parenthood as part of an overall effort to limit abortion in America. In 2011 Texas Republicans cut family planning clinics funding and shut down more than 80 women’s health…

  8. Preventing unintended pregnancy

    The latest trend in women’s reproductive health shows more women opting for more effective and long-acting forms of birth control, like IUDs or implants in preventing unintended pregnancy. Research published by the Guttmacher Institute found the Pill to be the most common birth control choice among women with IUDs and arm implants on the rise….

  9. Shared Abortion Experience

    Former actress, abortion counselor Emily Letts – Read about her own shared abortion experience with the public by allowing her procedure to be video taped. Ms. Letts counsels women who come to the abortion clinic with their minds made up to have an abortion, yet they feel guilty for not feeling guilty. Her positive story…

  10. Dr Willie Parker on The Daily Show

    Trevor Noah of The Daily Show interviews Dr. Willie Parker a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist, and published author who provides abortion care to women in Birmingham, Alabama. Dr. Willie Parker’s decision to provide abortions represented a change of heart on his part. He had been working for 12 years as an obstetrician and gynecologist, and…