Tag Archives: abortion pill

  1. private-abortion-clinic-best-in-maryland

    Private Abortion Clinic: Best in Maryland

    Private Abortion Clinic. Best in Maryland. At Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic (MFPC), we appreciate that each individual is different and that some situations are sensitive, particularly concerning reproductive health choices. For people who value privacy, comfort, and an individual approach, we provide our VIP Private Abortion Services. This service offers increased confidentiality and focus on…

  2. abortion-costs-metropolitan-family-clinic

    Costs of Abortion at Metropolitan Family Clinic

    Costs of Abortion. Metropolitan Family Clinic. Cost is among many concerns for patients when it comes to negotiation means. This does not happen in the Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic (MFPC), as every patient is informed of the charges and the possible financial assistance that will be given in a bid to promote coherent care. In…

  3. Abortion and Mental Health- Navigating the Emotional Part

    Abortion and Mental Health: Navigating the Emotional Part

    Abortion and Mental Health. Understanding Abortion and Mental Health As a big decision, abortion may have various impacts on different aspects of a person’s life, like mental health. Although many individuals feel better following an abortion, it is essential to appreciate that everyone reacts differently emotionally. There are times when one might experience feelings like…

  4. How Much Does an Abortion Cost in Maryland?

    How Much Does an Abortion Cost in Maryland?

    Maryland Abortion Costs. Abortion prices may vary depending on several factors, like the procedure and stage of pregnancy. At Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic, we are determined to offer reasonable charges and facilitate easy access to care. Maryland Abortion Costs Medical abortions, commonly known as the abortion pill, usually are performed up to 11 weeks of…

  5. The Abortion Pill Dos and Don'ts

    The Abortion Pill Dos and Don’ts

    The Abortion Pill Dos and Don’ts. Terminating an early pregnancy by taking the abortion pill, which involves mifepristone and misoprostol, is both safe and effective. Here are several do’s and don’ts to remember to facilitate a smooth and secure procedure. The Abortion Pill Dos Do Follow Medical Instructions: Make sure to follow all the instructions…

  6. The Myth of Abortion Reversals: Understanding the Facts

    The Myth of Abortion Reversals: Understanding the Facts

    Abortion Reversal Myth. The idea of reversing an abortion has become a matter of concern in recent years. However, it is crucial to realize that no scientific evidence exists for this claim. This post explains why medical abortion reversal is considered to be false and what you should know. What Does Abortion Reversal Refer To?…

  7. Bleeding During Abortion: What's Normal, What's Concerning

    Bleeding During Abortion: What’s Normal, What’s Concerning

    Bleeding during abortion. Bleeding during medical abortions involving mifepristone and misoprostol is a very common way of terminating early pregnancies. However, it is important to distinguish between normal bleeding and concerning health and safety. What to Expect Few or no bleeding at all may occur after taking mifepristone. Bleeding usually begins within a few hours…

  8. Sexual Activity After Abortion: What to Know

    Sexual Activity After Abortion: What to Know

    Sexual activity after abortion. Sex after abortion, whether through medication or surgery, should allow the body time to get back on its feet. It will take you through when it’s safe to resume sexual intercourse and precautions to exercise. Immediate Post-Abortion Period Your body goes through several changes after having had an abortion, and it…

  9. Abortion Pill Won't Appear in Drug Tests- Here's Why

    Abortion Pill Won’t Appear in Drug Tests: Here’s Why

    Abortion Pill Won’t Appear in Drug Tests. Knowing how drug tests work can help resolve anxieties concerning privacy and confidentiality, especially for medical procedures like taking abortion pills. Standard drug tests do not show whether mifepristone or misoprostol has been used, medications that are employed in medical abortions. How Drug Tests Work Standard drug tests…

  10. Mifepristone: It's More Than Just an Abortion Pill

    Mifepristone: It’s More Than Just an Abortion Pill

    Mifepristone. The use of mifepristone, which is often associated with medical abortions, is not limited to ending pregnancies. Mifepristone shows how safe and adaptogenic it is through these various applications. Uses of Mifepristone Cushing’s Syndrome: Cushing’s syndrome, a condition characterized by increased cortisol levels, can be treated with mifepristone. It works by obstructing the effects…