Tag Archives: abortion pill

  1. Sexual Activity After Abortion: What to Know

    Sexual Activity After Abortion: What to Know

    Sexual activity after abortion. Sex after abortion, whether through medication or surgery, should allow the body time to get back on its feet. It will take you through when it’s safe to resume sexual intercourse and precautions to exercise. Immediate Post-Abortion Period Your body goes through several changes after having had an abortion, and it…

  2. Abortion Pill Won't Appear in Drug Tests- Here's Why

    Abortion Pill Won’t Appear in Drug Tests: Here’s Why

    Abortion Pill Won’t Appear in Drug Tests. Knowing how drug tests work can help resolve anxieties concerning privacy and confidentiality, especially for medical procedures like taking abortion pills. Standard drug tests do not show whether mifepristone or misoprostol has been used, medications that are employed in medical abortions. How Drug Tests Work Standard drug tests…

  3. Mifepristone: It's More Than Just an Abortion Pill

    Mifepristone: It’s More Than Just an Abortion Pill

    Mifepristone. The use of mifepristone, which is often associated with medical abortions, is not limited to ending pregnancies. Mifepristone shows how safe and adaptogenic it is through these various applications. Uses of Mifepristone Cushing’s Syndrome: Cushing’s syndrome, a condition characterized by increased cortisol levels, can be treated with mifepristone. It works by obstructing the effects…

  4. silver-spring-md-abortion

    Silver Spring MD Abortion: Pill, Surgical, and VIP Procedures

    Silver Spring MD Abortion. Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic located in Silver Spring, Maryland, offers a variety of abortion services. Our clinic focuses on safety, confidentiality, and compassionate care and provides medical abortions, surgical abortions, and VIP private abortion services. Each service is designed to ensure that patients receive excellent care within a supportive environment. Silver…

  5. VIP Abortion Service: Best Enhanced Privacy in Maryland

    VIP Abortion. Enhanced Privacy. Reproductive health care is defined by privacy, comfort, and personalized support. For women facing difficult choices, the Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic is a beacon of light. In addition to providing comprehensive services, we pioneered the VIP Abortion Service, surpassing privacy and exclusivity from all other clinics in Maryland. VIP Abortion Service:…