
The Abortion Pill Dos and Don'ts

The Abortion Pill Dos and Don’ts

The Abortion Pill Dos and Don’ts.

Terminating an early pregnancy by taking the abortion pill, which involves mifepristone and misoprostol, is both safe and effective. Here are several do’s and don’ts to remember to facilitate a smooth and secure procedure.

The Abortion Pill Dos

Do Follow Medical Instructions: Make sure to follow all the instructions of your medical provider including timing as well as dosage of the medications.

Do Have Support Available: It’s important to have someone you trust nearby to support you during the process, especially within the first 48 hours, when misoprostol causes the most intense symptoms.

Do Monitor Symptoms: Keep track of your symptoms throughout, such as bleeding that amounts to clots, cramping, or some gastrointestinal discomfort, though normal symptoms often include heavy bleeding with clots, cramping, and some gastrointestinal discomfort.

Do Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Make sure you attend all recommended visits with your healthcare provider for confirmation that abortion has been concluded and take care of any possible problems.

Do Stay Hydrated and Rest: Drink enough fluids and take enough rest for recovery purposes.

The Abortion Pill Don’ts

Don’t Use Tampons: Until the bleeding stops, use sanitary pads instead of tampons to reduce your chances of getting infections.

Don’t Ignore Severe Symptoms: Get in touch with your doctor immediately once you experience severe pain, excessive bleeding (two consecutive hours soaking through two pads per hour), high fever, or discharge with an unpleasant smell. This may be due to an infection, or complications from Mifeprex® treatment could occur if not treated right away.

Don’t Engage in Strenuous Activity: To help your body recover, avoid strenuous activities, including heavy lifting or intense exercising, for at least a few days after abortion.

Don’t Delay Seeking Help: If something seems wrong or you have any concerns, seek immediate medical advice. A delayed consultation could lead to severe complications.

Don’t Forget Contraception: Consult with your healthcare provider about birth control options to reduce the chances of unintended pregnancies in the future. After an abortion, fertility can return as early as before your next period.


Following these dos and don’ts will ensure that a medical abortion is safe and effective. We at Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic are dedicated to providing a full continuum of care and support throughout your journey with us. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic. We aim for you to be in perfect health.

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