
Sexual Activity After Abortion: What to Know

Sexual Activity After Abortion: What to Know

Sexual activity after abortion.

Sex after abortion, whether through medication or surgery, should allow the body time to get back on its feet. It will take you through when it’s safe to resume sexual intercourse and precautions to exercise.

Immediate Post-Abortion Period

Your body goes through several changes after having had an abortion, and it is important to allow yourself enough time for recovery. In general, healthcare providers recommend waiting at least two weeks before resuming sexual activity. Within this period, your uterus takes time to heal, which helps reduce the chances of infections. At this stage, one may experience bleeding and cramping, which are common during the recovery process.

Sexual Activity After Abortion: Why Wait?

Increased risk of infection: The cervix may be slightly open following an abortion, increasing the risk of infection. Abstaining from sex allows the cervix to close and the uterus to heal properly.

Post-abortion Bleeding/Discharge: After an abortion, there can be slight bleeding within the two weeks that follow; making love within that period can be uncomfortable as well as aggravating such bleeding.

Emotional Recovery: Emotional recovery time is just as important as physical healing. People respond differently emotionally towards abortions; one cannot engage in sex unless they are fine mentally and emotionally.

Signs of Complications

A person may experience some bleeding and cramping, but they need to know signs indicating complications. Therefore, you need immediate medical assistance if you have:

  • Very heavy bleeding (more than two pads soaked per hour for 2 hours)
  • Severe abdominal pain or cramps not relieved by pain medication.
  • Fever or chills
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge

Use Contraception

Once you feel like getting into sex again after the post-abortion phase, think about contraceptives that will help prevent accidental pregnancies. There are cases where fertility may return soon after abortion before your menstruation cycle starts again. To identify the most suitable option among them, talk to your healthcare provider about available contraceptive choices. They include birth control pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs), implants, and barrier methods such as condoms.

Emotional Well-being

A range of emotions is normal after an abortion. You can seek guidance from a counselor or participate in a support group. We provide all-round support services at Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic for that tough period.

Sexual Activity after Abortion, Concluded

Resumption of sexual intercourse following termination should be decided with your health and welfare in mind. In general, waiting at least two weeks is recommended to allow your body to heal and reduce the risk of infection. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and follow-up care. For more information, please visit our site, Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic. Your health and comfort are top priorities; we will walk with you every inch of this journey.

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