Category Archives: Abortion by Pill

  1. The Abortion Pill and SSRIs: What You Need to Know

    Abortion Pill and SSRIs. The abortion pill, a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol, is a safe and effective method for terminating early pregnancies. However, it’s important to understand how it interacts with other medications, including Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), which are commonly prescribed for depression and anxiety. How the Abortion Pill Works Mifepristone blocks…

  2. Abortion Pill Won’t Appear in Drug Tests: Here’s Why

    Abortion Pill Won’t Appear in Drug Tests. Knowing how drug tests work can help resolve anxieties concerning privacy and confidentiality, especially for medical procedures like taking abortion pills. Standard drug tests do not show whether mifepristone or misoprostol has been used, medications that are employed in medical abortions. How Drug Tests Work Standard drug tests…

  3. Abortion Pill Side Effects

    Abortion Pill Side Effects. Medical termination of a pregnancy is one safe and effective way to put an end to an early gestation. Nevertheless, like any other medical procedure, it has its own side effects which accompany it. Knowing what to expect can help you adequately prepare and manage the same. Common Side Effects Most…

  4. Mifepristone: It’s More Than Just an Abortion Pill

    Mifepristone. The use of mifepristone, which is often associated with medical abortions, is not limited to ending pregnancies. Mifepristone shows how safe and adaptogenic it is through these various applications. Uses of Mifepristone Cushing’s Syndrome: Cushing’s syndrome, a condition characterized by increased cortisol levels, can be treated with mifepristone. It works by obstructing the effects…

  5. Medical vs Surgical Abortions: A Complete Guide

    We comprehend that an accidental pregnancy can be mentally challenging and personal at the Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic. This is why we strive to provide caring services to women all over Maryland. One of the choices you might have to make is between medical and surgical abortion procedures. In this article, we will discuss the…

  6. Camp Springs Abortion: The Best Care in Maryland

    Welcome to the Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic blog! We are excited to begin our series by discussing a topic that is central to our mission: giving women knowledge and support through medical abortion. We know that facing an unplanned pregnancy can be daunting. That’s why we provide a safe, private, and caring space for women…