Tag Archives: abortion

  1. Fertility and Abortion: Is Fertility Compromised?

    Fertility and abortion. Usually, a person who has gone through an abortion is worried about getting pregnant in the future. At Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic, we provide all-embracing information to answer these questions and support your reproductive health. Fertility and Abortion: Overview Yes, You Can Still Get Pregnant: Whether it is surgical or medical, early…

  2. cheverly-md-abortion

    Cheverly MD Abortion: Abortion Pill, Surgical, VIP Privacy

    Cheverly MD Abortion. Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic in Cheverly, Maryland, offers a range of abortion services that are safe, confidential, and compassionate. These include medical abortions, surgical ones, and VIP private abortion services, with each reflecting the best care patients can have in a supportive environment. Cheverly MD Abortion: Medical Abortion Services At the Cheverly…

  3. Camp Springs Abortion: The Best Care in Maryland

    Welcome to the Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic blog! We are excited to begin our series by discussing a topic that is central to our mission: giving women knowledge and support through medical abortion. We know that facing an unplanned pregnancy can be daunting. That’s why we provide a safe, private, and caring space for women…

  4. #RealClinics versus #FakeClinics

    How to tell the difference – #RealClinics versus #FakeClinics If you’re doing a general search for ‘abortion clinics’ on Google or Yahoo/Bing the first thing you’ll see — is a list of paid ads at the top of the page. Some of the ads will say they offer pregnancy testing and/or ultrasound. BE CAREFUL! If…

  5. I’m pregnant, now what?

    “I’m pregnant, now what?” — Facing an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy can feel incredibly overwhelming. Especially, if you are unsure whether or not you want to be pregnant. Some women know immediately the answer when they see the “positive” symbol on the pregnancy test. And some women feel confused and have conflicting ideas and beliefs….

  6. Shared Abortion Experience

    Former actress, abortion counselor Emily Letts – Read about her own shared abortion experience with the public by allowing her procedure to be video taped. Ms. Letts counsels women who come to the abortion clinic with their minds made up to have an abortion, yet they feel guilty for not feeling guilty. Her positive story…

  7. Family Planning in Washington, DC

    Exploring options of family planning in Washington, DC? We can assist you with choosing the right services that are a fit for your needs. Whether you are a young woman just starting college or you are ahead in your career and aren’t yet ready for kids, you can benefit from family planning in Washington, DC…